Distribution of food supplies to the less fortunate families in Afghanistan
We have did our best to to distribute the funds that you have all so generously donated in a way that best suits the plight of the Afghan people. Providing the basic means for survival was our main focus. With your help our vision became a reality, we managed to distribute basic food items to over 180 families who were able to put food on the table for their children for over the harsh days of winter 2021. These afghan families did not go to sleep empty stomach, thanks to all of you for pitching in to better their distraught day to day lives of Afghan people.
There were over 20 family heads who could not come to the distribution site, but my team on the grounds made sure they were given their rightful rations. The parcels were personally delivered to their homes so that we had done our part after you had wholeheartedly put your trust in this cause. The situation of Afghanistan when it comes to earning is in a desolate state, there are no secondary or treasury jobs for the internally displaced, therefore being sole earners of their families has become a parlous and unnerving burden.
Wth your trust and our effort we will never back away from extending a hand to those in need.