More than half of the 40 million people in this troubled country face severe malnutrition and abject poverty, and 90% struggle with food insecurity. A severe drought has crippled crops, forcing many to desperate acts just to survive.
The 40 million people of Afghanistan face a crisis that is as much man-made as a product of the drought and global inflation associated with the war in Ukraine.
In our second round of food parcel distribution, we had to prioritize the families most in need. We manage to distribute food rations to 95 families, 75 of them in the most rural areas. The rations were worth a month. 20 families in Kabul also received their rations. We have tried to provide basic necessities to those who have not had the opportunity to provide for their families during this harsh winter and the scarcest time in Afghan history.
Again, our heartfelt thanks to all of you, it really makes a difference when we all come together.